Frequently asked questions

  • What are the advantages of professional training courses?

    Professional courses are usually cheaper than language schools, not to mention the flexible timetable. In case you intend to continue your studies in higher education, an Australian professional qualification can function as a direct entry into the institutions. If you happen to be sponsored by an employer, they prefer those who received their qualification in Australia.

  • What kind of professional trainings are available?

    There are all kinds of courses ranging from business studies, management, marketing, tourism, IT, multimedia, hair stylist, construction industry, nursing, sport, catering industry etc.

  • What kind of grades can these professional courses provide?

    The grades of professional courses in Australia can be: Certificate I-IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma.

  • How long are the professional courses?

    The duration of these courses range from 3 months to 2.5 years, which can also be completed in packages following each other.

  • What are the requirements to apply for a professional course?

    You need to have at least upper-intermediate level of English and a secondary-school leaving certificate.

  • Can someone apply for a professional training course even if they don’t speak English?

    Yes, they can, but they must attend an English language course before the professional training.

  • What kind of qualifications will I receive from the school?

    You will receive a certificate proving that you completed the course and stating the level of your qualification.

  • How many lessons do I have to attend?

    You must be present at least in 80% of the lessons.

  • How flexible is the timetable in the professional training institutions?

    The timetable is different in all schools, but most of them offer several timetables for you to choose from.

  • Which city offers the cheapest professional training courses?

    You can find the most favourable prices in Sydney. It is because the highest number of professional training courses are in Sydney, so there is a high competition between the schools. The low prices should not deceive anyone, the quality of education is one of the highest standards in the world.

  • What are my chances to obtain a permanent visa after completing a professional training course?

    An Australian professional qualification does not guarantee an automatic permanent visa, however, both the Australian employers and system of immigration values if you have obtained your qualifications in Australia.

  • Do I have to give proof of my financial background if I would like to attend a vocational training in Australia?

    Not necessarily, however, sometimes the case officer can request financial statements from Student visa applicants. In this case you will have to prove to the Australian government that you have a proper financial background to be able to subsist during your studies even if you do not take up a job. In case you need further information, get in touch with our educational advisors in our Australian head office or in our office based in Hungary.

  • How long does the evaluation of the Australian Student visas for professional courses usually take?

    The evaluation of the Australian Student visas (Subclass 500) for professional courses does not take longer than 36 days 75% of the time and it is done in less than 52 days 90% of the time according to the latest data of the Australian Department of Home Affairs.
    In our experience the evaluation usually doesn’t take longer, but there is no upper limit for the evaluation time of the Australian Student visa.

  • How can I prove to the Australian Department of Home Affairs that I possess the required financial coverage, if I would like to study in Australia?

    The easiest way to prove your financial background is with your own bank account. The required amount depends on the number of applicants (one person, a couple or a family), the length of the visa and even the type of the chosen course.
    The required amount can be in any currency, the official of the Australian government will convert the sum on the account into Australian dollars at the current exchange rate at the time of the evaluation of the visa.